Sunday, July 18, 2010

dashboard "flocking".. ("oh yea, flock you too!") part 1

spent the weekend working on the dash in the golf. i have been wanting to try this for a bit now, after seeing it done on a pals Subaru out east a few years back. the process is called flocking, and its more or less a suede look when its all said and done. I needed a new wind screen, so why not take a wack at it while I could have it out for few days. so far looks good, but i cant get a final look for a few days, so as to let the adhesive cure properly before I try and clean up the mess..

taping it up for the first section. you have roughly a 15 minute time-frame from putting on the adhesive, until it starts to cure. and it shows lines if you stop halfway through. so i figured i would use the existing separation to split it up

and after the first go around with the fibers. its a mess to deal with, but nothing i havent dealt with before.

sorry for the rest being kinda dark, its hard to capture a good image of it right now. have to wait a good 24 hours for it to kick over before blowing it off at low pressure. and another couple days until i can brush it out. but you get the idea..

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